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4.5 / 5

Really happy to use because of it's furst bottle only was liked by my daughter. She loved taste and overall what i feel is it's not heavy feeling formulae. Highly recommended.

Hina W, 39 years

5 / 5

A very nutritious milk for my growing baby.

Safa F, 28 years

5 / 5

The product is great ? although my baby took a month to finish the small can, it might be because breastfed babies are known to be more loyal on breast milk..I used it more often on her meals, like pancakes and oatmeals.

Zerline E, 37 years

4 / 5

Perfect as is but needs more publicity

Uzma S, 30 years

3 / 5

المنتج جيد طعمة جيبد

Talal A, 31 years

4 / 5

My baby she likes the taste more than other formula

Soumya S, 39 years

3 / 5


ايه ز, 32 years

5 / 5


Helal L, 43 years

5 / 5

منتج جميل وغني بالفتامينات لقد اعجب به طفلي كثيرا

محمد م, 30 years

4 / 5

Very nutritious!

Marie carrel B, 33 years

5 / 5

It's really a good milk with complete nutrition as I have tried so many brands of milk as my daughter is not taking mother feed so I was too much worried about her health but now I find the S26 Progress Gold now my all worries gone Thanks S26 Progress Gold

Farhat S, 36 years

3.5 / 5

My baby who’s now a toddler is still S-26 Gold user since birth and i notice she’s been smart..

Janet V, 42 years

4 / 5

S-26 is one of the known product when it comes to baby’s milk and I have heard many good reviews about it. This is our new journey and I believe just like what others have experience it will never fail us.

Joanna karen A, 37 years

5 / 5


Rahila D, 36 years

5 / 5

I love how the s26 gold contains DHA and AHA that can be found in Omega 3 and other key nutrients.

Xynia C, 36 years

5 / 5

Its the best product i have ever used for my son. He has never used any other product ever since he was born

Michael K, 44 years

5 / 5

I like and my baby accepted it too and its really ahealthy and wise choice i ever made

Farii S, 34 years

5 / 5

Excellent product, light, nutritional and available almost every where !!!

Rez A, 40 years

5 / 5


Jasna S, 35 years

2.5 / 5

I was ok with product. I didnt dislike the product. My baby ised to sleep for 7 to 8 hours straight... but after giving this i found him sleep nearly 5 hours.. i didnt find drastic difference.. overall i was ok with product

Tabsheera M, 30 years

5 / 5

Loved it

Arjun K, 36 years

5 / 5

very freat product , my baby really like it. will purchase regularly.

Sagufta F, 34 years

5 / 5

This is my favorite brand..i only trust and purchase it ..when my first baby was born i start using it and. I'm still using it for my second baby..

Samrah K, 34 years

5 / 5

I have posted the review of the product on Instagram

Shamim K, 41 years

5 / 5

good for the kids, can help in brain development❤️❤️

Joylyn B, 35 years

5 / 5

amazing milk

Sara S, 37 years

5 / 5

For almost 2 years consecutively using S26 Promil Gold, this was the milk given to the hospital where I gave birth. While promoting breastfeeding at the same time we are making sure that my daughter’s health is always the priority. From the day she was born up todate we never changed the milk, why? My daughter’s attitude and intelligence was exceptional and i believe her milk contribute to that. She was even advance on her age and this keeps my heart at peace.

Jhoanna grace B, 33 years

4 / 5

No other milk can comparate to S-26. My Child loves it so do i.

Maria fe B, 41 years

4.5 / 5

the product is way good in terms of health nutrition and taste as well the packaging is attractive there is just one issue and thats the vanilla fragrance is a bit high i would advise to lessen it and introduce more flavours i will for sure continue its yse for my baby in his development

Juwairia M, 32 years

5 / 5

كنت قد جربت حليب مختلف لكن لم يستطع ابني شربه ورفضه تماما لكنه شرب هذا الحليبs26 بسهول خلال يومين فقط بدأ بتناول حليب اخر غير حليب الام الطبيعي خطوة جيدة ومهمة ومرحلة اولى للفطام شكرا s26

Iman I, 44 years

3.5 / 5

The packaging is sturdy and keeps the powder fresh. It lasts for a while as well and contains essential nutrients

Erandi M, 38 years

5 / 5

This one of the best supporting milk for toddlers. When you ask most of the mothers this is the first comes to their list. I'm happy with the sample and I'm going to continue giving it to my child. I've been testing and trying lots of milk but what makes me interested and decided is about the nutrients that it will give to my child. Thank you Sampleo Arabia and thank you S26 Gold.

Irene B, 43 years

5 / 5

I have went to around 7 to 8 doctors all doctor recommendation was S 26 Gold

Muhammad A, 36 years

5 / 5

My girl loves it. And she is happy.

Shaniya Y, 36 years

3.5 / 5

Product is exceptionally good for little ones. One can buy without having a second thought.

Nashmia J, 32 years

5 / 5

Great taste and well nourished

Afraa A, 30 years

5 / 5

Perfect for keep kids healthy

Umm M, 36 years

4 / 5

Tummy friendly milk for babies With Rich formula .

Sheema M, 32 years

5 / 5

It can gave nutrients of my daughter health and brain development.

Jeyet C, 32 years

5 / 5

It is too good....

Mohammad S, 36 years

5 / 5

S26 is great. My daughter absolutely loves it and he easily finishes his full bottle. No problems with her feeding and it was affordable.

Maurine J, 38 years

3.5 / 5

It is very good

Gemma G, 49 years

5 / 5

Perfect for infant upto growing up milk

Genelyn A, 38 years

5 / 5

Excellent product

Lara B, 37 years

4 / 5

I really loved the milk my daughter also loved very much she lived the taste a little bit and I am happy that I can give her something useful to her growth and brain too ?

Sarah W, 38 years

5 / 5

Healthy choice for babies...very good baby really enjoys it...

Resmy A, 37 years

5 / 5

استخدمته للاطفالي التؤام منذ ولادتهم وحتى عمره السنة وهو رائع جدا.. واعدت التجربه على عمر السنتين واجده ممتاز لالطفال انصح به وبشده..

Bashair M, 40 years

5 / 5

منتج ممتاز وغني بالفيتامينات والمعادن التي تساعد علي بناء جسم الطفل ونموه

مشيرة م, 37 years

4.5 / 5

I have already been using s26 and I’d have rated it 110 if there’d an option. Loved it overall

Amna A, 24 years

5 / 5

S26 gold gives superior nutrition and helps in the over-all development of my veru active baby. My baby is becoming a picky eater and it gives me confidence that she will still get the nutrition she needs from s26.

Ronette anne B, 41 years

5 / 5

Great milk for the babies,

Vanessa C, 38 years

5 / 5

منتج ممتاز وسعره جيد ومتوفر بالاسواق مفيد ومغذي ولذيذ

Salam M, 31 years

3.5 / 5

Amazing product

Retal S, 37 years