The innovative growing-up milk that's closer to nature
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Its nice, creamy formula milk with added and beneficial nutritional value for toddlers. Its gentle on tummy. My 2 years old kid like it, otherwise she is too picky regarding milk. My baby is happy, so do I. Thumbs up for Illuma3
Uruj R, 33 years
Charito A, 39 years
انه حليب طفلي المفضل و لن اقوم بشراء غيره في المستقبل
Israa B, 31 years
Toddler stomach friendly formula, quick digestion and excellent taste
Nimya J, 33 years
Great drink for growing age
Veena J, 32 years
Good milk
Hajar L, 34 years
my baby enjoyed it througly
Nasia R, 41 years
V nice and light on baby's digestive system Healthy and includes all the essential nutrients n vitamins for growing children .
Ahmadi A, 37 years
Illuma is totally accepted by daughter who feel, smell and taste with her food before eating or drinking... She loves it and would recommend other parents to try it
Amna F, 33 years
Zeinab N, 38 years
Illuma3 is a goodsupplement for milk improves the mental health and support the immune system to maintain a healthy living
Asmath N, 32 years
It’s one of the best
Sanaa A, 42 years
Batoul A, 31 years
My baby love how it tastes, he always finish his bottle and even ask for more so it's a ??? and ❤❤❤ from us.
Sapphire B, 38 years
Aside from the packaging, I love how my baby easily adapted its taste! Now, I’m planning to completely shift him to Iluma 3. The price is very attractive yet the quality is not compromised.
Jemma S, 36 years
My son loves it the first time he tasted it. Definitely will be buying more and more of it.
Marrycres S, 47 years
Excellent formula
Tania A, 41 years
Shalin A, 39 years
انصح بشراء هذا الحليب لانه يحتوي علي جميع للمواد الغذائيه لحاجه الطفل في مرحله النمو كمان انو يساعد علي الهم وفتح الشهيه
Yazizo A, 34 years
So far, my daughter enjoys the taste of her new milk and for me it's a very good indication as it will not be challenging to switch brands. I am looking forward to see how ILLUMA 3 will unleash its benefits with my growing toddler and for me to share the changes and developments with the help. Of ILLUMA 3.
Recsielyn M, 39 years
I love it
Mardionie V, 41 years
At first my baby is reluctant to drink because she still wants her breastmilk. But each day pass by I tried to give her smaller portion so she'll get used to the taste. Then after a week she's enjoying her illuma 3.
Jamila S, 48 years
It's good
Mehwish S, 33 years
Good taste
Orlyn M, 37 years
The taste is good. My son accepted it the 3rd time. I feel he is getting his nutrition from this milk
Safa H, 35 years
It is a must baby product . Thanks sampleo for introducing me this excellent product
Anitha P, 37 years
Good for picky eater contain almost every thing that a mother wants to have for their child
Suman B, 40 years
أتصح ب تجربته ..سوف يحبه طفلك كثيراً ..
Afaf G, 36 years
Illuma 3 captivated my 3 year old's taste bud immediately making it easier for her to feed. I believe it also made her digestion better, opening her bowels more regularly now. I have seen an increase in activity and alertness too as well as appetite.
Rowenna O, 47 years
I love it, my toddler loved the taste and this was awesome
Mary G, 40 years
the price needs to be cheaper
Kenza B, 24 years
This high-quality, prebiotic fiber helps support digestive health and reduce child's risk of constipation. ILLUMA 3 is designed to support digestive health. Fuels growth and development with a unique combination of the best natural ingredients, including important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Sadaf J, 40 years
I think it’s really good for those who faceing loss weight issue . Because my baby was too no gain Weight . But I think it’s perfectly design gor baby comfort & better health .
Safia H, 34 years
It's highly recommended product for kids age 1 to 3 as in this age kids are growing fast and illuma 3 is a perfect diet for children.
Sumaya I, 36 years
Its quality is superb. My baby is now happy to drink this. It helps to give nutrients to baby. Even the immunization power also will increase. All must try.
Nisha S, 35 years
I am happy with this formula milk as the taste is good and my baby liked it ..thank you so much sampleo. Looking forward to buy it soon.
Rafat I, 39 years
Its healthy and good taste that kids like
Heba M, 42 years
جيد و ابني تقبله واتمني يفيده
ايمان ا, 38 years
My doc recommended me to try illuma when my baby was around a month old but we were confused as he was all ready happy with his formula but after trying it now i feel bad I didn’t try earlier but late than never.
Shamna M, 33 years
حليب illuma3 حليب مدعم بحميع العناصر الغذائية المهمه لنمو الطفل والفيتامينات الهامه وانصح به جميع الامهات
Sara I, 32 years
اهم الشي ان بنتي تقبلته و تطلبه مره تانيه
Lamis A, 34 years
لبن ممتاز يحتوي علي العديد من المعادن الهامه لنمو الطفل
Sara F, 32 years
I think it has a great taste because of which kids enjoy it.
Rifa R, 24 years
من أجود الألبان المتوفرة في السوق
Bassant Z, 36 years
I liked everything about the product. Though initial few days my baby rejected it, now hes loving it. Hence this mama is also happy with the product.
Fakhra H, 30 years
I’m sure it’s a good product as i heard so much about it. But my 2 year old daughter is fussy about her milk. It took me a while to let her accept a brand
Mona B, 32 years
Useful for bone development. I recommend everyone to buy this one. reduce the risk of indigestion. It is useful For mind development
Ekta P, 43 years
كانت تجربه حليب الوما تجربه مشجعه جداا...طعم الحليب كان جيداا وتقبله الطفل بشكل جيد افضل من انواع اخري ....رشحت حليب الوما للعديد من الاصدقاء....
Haidy G, 45 years
Perfect for a growing child.
Mifrah M, 29 years
طفلي حب اللبن جدا وسوف أكرره له
Nourhan N, 39 years
I gave the Illuma formula to my son and I can say he's not a picky eater, however sometimes he doesn't want to try new drinks as he is used to a specific formula, but with Illuma he drank it right away and even asked for more, which is a very good sign, he continues to enjoy the Illuma in the morning and evening.
Cesar P, 45 years
I like it because my baby like me t and drink it and its healthy
Rawya A, 45 years
ابني أحبه جداً لدرجة ان أخوه الأكبر عمره خمس سنوات أصر يتذوقه ❤️
Sarah D, 36 years
It’s perfect for me because my baby doesn’t accept any baby milk but she like illuma so much so it will be my main milk to use
Israa E, 36 years
لقد كنت اعانى ان طفلى لا يشرب الحليب الطبيعى ف كنت اخاف من عدم حصوله على الكالسيوم بقدر الكافى ف عند تجربته ل الوما ٣ اصبح يشرب الحليب صباحا و مساءا و شكرا ل الوما٣
Hadeer H, 34 years
Illuma 3 is very healthy milk for your babies.
Criz O, 37 years
Illuma 3 is best for babies who are on mother feed because babies are not accepted any formula milk after mother feed and it have very good taste and easily digestible so i highly recommended to my family and friends
Kiran K, 37 years
I am very satisfied with the product in terms of taste, quality, nutrition content and packaging. And yes, I will purchase it again since my little one approved it.
Norhata S, 41 years
It was good and I will buy it again and recommend it to all of my friends.
Yanal A, 38 years
Little more expensive than most leading brands, but the claim that it does help in making digestion better is good
Ma catherine S, 34 years
nice packaging and milk. no tummy issuea for baby on switching milk
Muazzama J, 36 years
Would recommended for children for having a proper diet
Reeja R, 37 years
It is very good by taste and its benefits hoping illuma3 impact my childs growth
Smija S, 30 years
I have wonderful experience of #illuma3 its Amazing. My daughter likes its taste as well. Now she is more active than before. Thanks alot #illuma3 #CloseToNature
Annaiya M, 35 years
شكرآ لكم و لإهتمامكم بنمو أطفالنا بشكل صحي و غني
Ahmad T, 35 years
I'm happy to have a good product after long time for my kids
Mubeen A, 38 years
very good
Ghada N, 40 years
ILLUMA 3 packaging is specifically designed to help keep the contents fresh, thats amazing. Helps ensure that i can easily prepare the right amounts for my child.
Ambreen R, 36 years
My baby love it
Areej A, 57 years
My son enjoyed having it. Satisfied with the product
Huda I, 38 years
Its a nice brand that can meet nutrients demand in growing children. I think the taste can be improved accordingly to children.
Sahla M, 33 years
It's a great formula. Rich and creamy.
Bhanu R, 31 years
My baby tried it. She's a very fussy baby and doesn't drink milk enough... but when I give this milk. She tried.. I'm happy
Lubna S, 35 years
Me and my kids loved it
Mariam S, 36 years
One of the best product
Sino M, 35 years
I believe to improve your product, if you can improve your selling price. Remember nowadays there is so much competition.
Lucina H, 40 years
Very good for young toddlers...for their overall tastes good...
Smitha G, 42 years