موقع سامبليو الإلكتروني غير متوافق مع متصفح الإنترنت الخاص بك

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This product is amazing. I have received it to test it and I just love how my skin reacted in it. The gentle lift effect is almost imidiate after the aplication. It makes the skin smoother and somehow brighter. I used the other vitamin C serums before but nothing comes close to this one. I will definitively be buying this product myself. إقرأ المزيد

Milena S, 37 السنوات


They are simply amazing. I have seen many colour lenses before but never dared to try them on beacuse of their fake look but Layala contact lenses are pretty natural. They blend in perfectly with my eye colour. I can barely see any pattern on my iris. I am so impressed by the fact that it is very hard to tell whether I am wearing coloured contact lenses or not! إقرأ المزيد

Saziya P, 34 السنوات