Nurturing tomorrow's great minds today!
لقد تم إغلاق التسجيل 250 ambassadeursS-26 Progress GOLD: Nurturing tomorrow’s Greats Mind Today!
Participate now and receive a free 400g tin of S-26 Progress GOLD growing-up milk for your toddler.
Will also add one voucher from Mumzworld to be redeemed on their website, where you can receive another free 400g tin of S-26 Progress GOLD
Early childhood is a crucial period for learning and development as basic ways of thinking, responding, and solving problems are established.
Proper nutrition is critical for children to support their cognitive development and S-26 Progress GOLD provides the optimal nutrition to support their brain development.
S-26 Progress GOLD is giving 250 ambassadors in the UAE the chance to receive a free 400g tin of growing-up milk for your child between the ages of 1 and 3.
S-26 Progress GOLD features the advanced NUTRILEARN™ SYSTEM, a scientific blend of nutrients working together to support the multiple dimensions of your child's development, helping you advance your child’s learning abilities.