Growing-up Milk

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تقييم المنتج

4.4 / 5

26 لقد قام الأعضاء بتقييم المنتج

100% الأرآء الإيجابية / 0%الأرآء السلبية


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5 / 5

جيد جدا لا يوجد اي تعليق سوى النكهة اما الفيتامينات الموجودة والمعادن فهي مشجعة جدا ايضا شكل العبوة فهو مغري جدا فهو ذو تصميم انيق وجميل تشعر وكانه ذو جودة عالية لدي ثلاث اطفال اثنان منهم اعجبو به كثيرا اما الثالث فلم يلقى استحسانه من حيث الطعم... اشكركم جدا على هذا المنتج المميز اتمنى لكم المزيد من التطور والنجاح

Reem O, 34 السنوات

4 / 5

It’s a milk formula worth to buy for a toddler . My child liked it and I’m confident it will support his growth well. Quality and packaging are great ! I would recommend this type for family and friends .

Houda T, 33 السنوات

5 / 5

هذا حليب مميز و يساعد على النمو يساعد على عملية الهضم و يطور قدرات الطفل حليب طعمه محبب و يقوي الذكاء لدى الطفل و ينمي مهاراته الجسدية و العقلية افضل حليب استعملته الى حد الآن

عابد ن, 37 السنوات

5 / 5

المنتج جميل و مميز خفيف ناسب بنتي لانه لا يسبب الم او مغص في المعده . وانصح الأمهات الجدد بتجربته لانه منتج يستحق التجربة فقط أتمنى ان يكون هناك شرح او إعلانات اكثر عن المنتج لان اغلب صديقاتي لم يسمعن عنه من قبل

Badei S, 39 السنوات

5 / 5

The packaging is great. Design of the product is good too. Perfectly meets the childs dietary needs. Promotes good digestive health besides providing the essential nutrients.

Aasya M, 41 السنوات

3 / 5

طعمه لذيذ غني بالفيتامينات و المعادن و الاوميغا المهمة للطفل بهذه المرحلة العمرية. يالاضافة لكونه خفيف على المعدة و سهل الهضم. انصح جميع الامهات لتجربة هذا المنتج مع اطفالهم.

هداية ا, 37 السنوات

3 / 5

As your child continues to develop and grow, it is important to keep nurturing him with engaging experiences and quality nutrition. ILLUMA® 3 Growing-Up Formula Milk Powder with Bioactive HMO+ Complex is an advanced growing-up formula from the experts at Wyeth Nutrition.

Payal M, 32 السنوات

4 / 5

This formula is the least expensive option we found and is as effective as any other traditional formula for feeding kids It’s sweetened only with lactose, the same sugar in breast milk, and has many of the same potentially beneficial extra ingredients found in much more expensive formulas.

Samia A, 31 السنوات

4 / 5

The packaging is very nice and simple. It is quick to dissolve. My baby loves the taste. Best formula milk for the bigners. It's easily absorb. No tummies issues.

Asra S, 32 السنوات

3 / 5

I loved the way it was packaged and the nutritions it includes. Baby liked it and no tummy problems were detected. Keep on this track as it is really a, good milk for babies to use

Aya A, 34 السنوات

3 / 5

Taste is good.. my little baby loved it although she didn’t like the last two kind of milk I bought I will give her illuma from now on Even the smell of the milk looks delicious and good

Alaa R, 34 السنوات

5 / 5

Loves the milk packaging and content! It is so luxurious like a high-end product (high quality). Highly recommended. Thank you so much for letting us try this milk!

Michelle ann D, 32 السنوات

5 / 5

i think its perfect and fulfilling all the requirements of a growing child and it tastes better so easily taken by my 1 year old and 3 years old children

Faiza Z, 36 السنوات

4 / 5

This product is a worth try. It's light on stomach for toddlers and tastes close to milk making my toddler willing to finish the given quantity. I use it as it helps me feel that I am giving him complete nourishment even on the days he resists eating vegetables

Deepti C, 36 السنوات

5 / 5

Excellent quality - an ultra-premium line of baby formula. Calcium and Vitamin D in addition to HMOs is really a good combination. Innovative growing-up milk combination and my son enjoyed it a lot. Thank you.

Kajal S, 40 السنوات

5 / 5

loved the packaging and the instructions is so clear and easy i'm so happy that me little one loved it defiantly will keep it on my shopping list as i can find it in all super markets and online platforms

Dalia M, 34 السنوات

4 / 5

I loved the product,its packaging,the whole closer to nature idea and how it suits all the babies well enough ! Its full of nutrition and satisfies my mom guilt when sometimes my daughter doesnt eat well enough !

Hina M, 34 السنوات

5 / 5

Its one of the amazing product in the market and good part our baby really adapted it very easily. For which we really always worried about with full of Nutrients, Vitamins , Minerals.

Ishan S, 37 السنوات

4 / 5

EASY FOR MY MUMMY AND TUMMY Its so easy to digest i highly recommend to all new mommies ,without any second thought or opinion ,for me it worked like magic it is easily soluble and the required quantity is written on the box easy for the beginners even my 6 years old son can prepare it for his younger brother by reading instructions .

Qurat ul ain A, 40 السنوات

5 / 5

It's a very benefecial formula for growing up kids as during 1-3 years age kids tend to become picky and give real hard times to mother . This formula has literally reduced my worries and has given me satisfaction that my daughter is getting her daily nutrional needs fulfilled. It has DHA which is best for brain development and along with other vitamins it has also got Iron which enhnaces nutrient absorption. Plus it's light on tummy. So overall it's a great product.

Mehreen zubair B, 31 السنوات

5 / 5

ممتاز جدا واوصي فيه لجميع الامهات الاستعماله لاطفالهم لانه منتج غذائي رائع ومفيد لصحة الطفل ونموه 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

حنفية ر, 37 السنوات

5 / 5

My son love the taste of the illumina 3. It helps to steady weight gain after 2 weeks of consumption. I recommend this for everyone. Packing of the product also perfect .

Honey A, 32 السنوات

4 / 5

ممتاز وصحي جدا اوصي به دائماوالتغليف ممتاز وبه كل الفيتامينات التي يحتاجها الطفل ومطور دائما 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Basma E, 33 السنوات

5 / 5

Nature, health and tasty My daughter loved it very much and it became one of the main meals for her, it is my favorite too because it works to please my daughter and helps the proper growth of her body

Mayada A, 47 السنوات

5 / 5

رأيي العام عن المنتج أنه بالفعل منتج رااائع ومتكامل ومتجانس وقد أحببته كثييييييييرا أوصي جميع الناس بشراءه لأنه يستحق ذلك ويستحق التجربة بالفعل ويستحق التوصية رغم أن شكله الجداب يجدبك دون أن تحس بذلك

المغاري أ, 39 السنوات

5 / 5

Very super quality and super natural product i will recomended it to all person i knew and i will tell them about my expeiance of it and how my baby grown up will using this product

Samah L, 36 السنوات